Continually committed to the craft

my story

codex analysis


My journey into the world of performance analysis began due to an unfortunate event, injury. However, the rugby injury that denied me the opportunity to develop as a sportsman in front of the camera, opened the door to my current journey and a career working behind one.

Delivering analysis resources for the team I was injured playing for led me on to service-led roles managing bureau provisions with OPTA Sports Data, the Centre for Performance Analysis, and the Welsh Rugby Union.

The value of working in these roles alongside an MSc in Performance Analysis, allowed me to develop the work ethic and management experience that has underpinned the progression of my career.

Despite positive and valuable learning experiences in these roles, I knew that I wanted to reach the next level by working in performance environments as an applied analyst, as opposed to the generic nature of service delivery.

Over eleven years, I went on to work over four hundred domestic and European games for Bath and Gloucester Rugby combined. Working alongside a host of vastly experienced coaches and support staff during that time provided me with a deep insight into the puzzle that is high performance and the importance learning through performance analysis plays within it.

I have experienced how crucial the role we play as analysts is, and it is far deeper and more complex than just providing the X’s and O’s. Primarily it is about supporting coaching methodologies and providing the right tools to impact a learning process. But it also revolves around nurturing relationships in complex high-pressure environments as well as blends of expertise and awareness, combined with high levels of resilience and authenticity.

Most importantly, I believe being a performance analyst is about affecting change.

Codex Analysis has become the next chapter of my journey, so perhaps my injury wasn’t such an “unfortunate” event after all … .
